
Spelling Words

Week 6

These spelling words focus on long

o sounds

1. goal
2. mole
3. stone
4. stove
5. chose
6. own
7. fold
8. flow
9. mold
10. toll
11. groan
12. stole
13. foam
14. mows
15. roasting
16. lower
17. sole
18. blown
19. bolt

20. quote

Spelling Pre-test Sentences 

1. (goal) We all share a common goal; getting good grades. (goal) 

2. (mole) The little mole pushe through the dark earth. (mole)

3. (stone) The child removed a stone from her shoe. (stone)

4. (stove) I cooked a burger on the stove. (stove)

5. (chose) He quickly chose a Valentine's Day prensent from the gas station. (chose)

6. (own) Do you have any money of your own? (own)

7. (fold) Please fold your laundry and put it away. (fold)

8. (flow) There is no use in fighting with your parents so you should just go with the flow. (flow)

9. (mold) The lasangna that was left out has sprouted mold. (mold)

10. (toll) You cannot use the bridge without paying the toll. (toll) 

11. (groan) The bear cub let out a pittiful little groan. (groan)

12. (stole) I beilieve he stole my crayon. (stole) 

13. (foam) The foam from the soda sprayed all over the car. (foam)

14. (mows) She mows the grass every week so that she can keep the ticks away.  (mows)

15. (roasting) Can you open a window? I am roasting in here. (roasting)

16. (lower) A message from Ms. Richardson appeared on the lower corner of the computer screen. (lower) 

17. (sole) You are the sole heir to the thrown. (sole) 

18. (blown) Her grocery cart was blown far, far away in the storm. (blown)

19. (bolt) The loud sound made him bolt out of his seat. (bolt) 

20. (quote) To quote my father, "Get a job".