
Week 5

The first ten spelling words focus on the /s/ sound with either c or s

1. fantasy

2. consent

3. citizen

4. recent

5. vicinity
6. privacy

7. concise

8. incident

9. license

10. bicycle

The next ten words focus on the short o sound with a or o

11. audible

12. authentic

13. haunted


15. flawless

16. appall

17. thoughtful

18. slaughter

19. notorious

20. seaboard

Spelling Pre-test Sentences 

1.  (fantasy) Going into space is my favorite fantasy. (fantasy)

2. (consent) You must have consent to use someone’s picture in a commercial. (consent)

3. (citizen) If you are born in a country, you are a citizen of that country. (citizen)

4. (recent) The last time I felt relaxed is when I was on a recent vacation. (recent)

5. (vicinity) Are there any fun places to go in the vicinity? (vicinity)

6. (privacy) The only place I can have privacy is in my own home. (privacy)

7. (concise) In a few words he gave a concise statement of what happened on the playground. (concise)

8. (incident) An incident happened at the park. (incident)

9. (license) I know you are too young to have a license to drive. (license)

10. (bicycle) I have a very nice bicycle. (bicycle)

11. (audible) Can you please speak up? You are barely audible. (audible)

12. (authentic) I love authentic Mexican food. (authentic)

13. (haunted) The house on the corner is haunted by a big black dog. (haunted)

14. (precaution) Wear your seatbelt as a safety precaution. (precaution)

15. (flawless) The violin performance is flawless. (flawless)

16. (appall) The thought of war fills me with appall. (appall)

17. (thoughtful) Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful. (thoughtful)

18. (slaughter) The slaughter of animals for food is upsetting. (slaughter)

19. (notorious) Los Angelus is a city that is notorious for it’s smog and pollution. (notorious)

20. (seaboard) I used to live on the eastern seaboard of Florida. (seaboard)